Nuclear throne fish run
Nuclear throne fish run

nuclear throne fish run

Boring, but Practical: Compared to the other mutants, Fish seems plain, but still ends up being useful in most situations with his combat roll and passive ammo gain boost.And Your Reward Is Clothes: His B-Skin is unlocked by looping with every character at least once.Ambidextrous Sprite: The eyepatch and toothpick on his B-Skin flip depending on which way he's facing.Fish's Ultra Mutations are Confiscate, which gives ammo drops a chance to replace the mini ammo chests with large ammo chests and Gun Warrant, which gives him infinite ammo for seven seconds at the start of every level. Fish's passive ability causes him to pick up more ammunition from ammo chests than the other mutants, and his active ability makes him roll, moving him in a set direction at a high speed.įish's Throne Butt mutation changes his roll so that it has infinite duration and is fully controllable, allowing him to speed across the stage and run circles around his enemies. Last day before retirement.Fish is a versatile mutant that uses his high mobility and ammo income to outrun and outgun enemies. The former two are a Gun God and a once normal plant, respectively, while the latter is, well, a robot. Also Averted with Y.V., Plant, and Robot.Averted for Rogue, since she is from a universe where the apocalypse didn't happen.It's unknown who else was once human in the group of mutants. Was Once a Man: Currently, Fish, Steroids, and probably Melting are known to have been human before the apocalypse happened.Token Heroic Orc: Rebel, Horror, and Frog are versions of enemies found in the game that decided to side with the mutants.Token Evil Teammate: Plant, Y.V., and Robot.Starter Equipment: For most of them, it's a revolver of some type.Skill Scores and Perks: Collecting radiation allows the mutants to gain benefits such as more Health, ability to gain ammo upon kills, or even upgrading their active!.

nuclear throne fish run

Share Phrase: As the quote says, "Let's do this!" or "Fläshyn!" is a phrase uttered by almost all of them upon starting a run, showing a determination to get to the throne.Though it's implied by getting mutations like Bloodlust that some end up enjoying combat anyways. Reluctant Warrior: Going by the ending theme song, most of them would rather not fight even if they have to.Power at a Price: Crowns can be found and collected for further benefits, but at a price of something else (like the Crown of Guns dropping more guns, but at the price of removing normal ammo drops).Portal Door: What every one of the mutants finds after killing every enemy to go to another area.One-Man Army: Being able to take down hundreds of enemies all just to reach a throne? Yeah.Considering that Plant used to just be a houseplant, it probably never had a name to begin with, and the story might be the same with other characters that aren't former humans. (short for Yung Venuz), none of the mutants have a known name. Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep": With the sole exception of Y.V.A Dog Named "Dog": Most of them are simply named for what they are.Determinators: No matter how many times they die trying, they will stop at nothing to reach the Throne.Bottomless Magazines: While many weapons still have downtime, none of the mutants have been seen reloading their guns.Badass Adorable: Could just be the pixel/art style, but you have to admit they're all pretty cute.

Nuclear throne fish run